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ELFS Japan ‘Soap Box’ Networking Evening
24th 5月 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What we’re doing
Since 2018 ELFS Japan has run a networking evening for Tokyo filmmakers on the second Monday of each month. The last of these pre-Covid was on the 11th March 2020.
Those who have been to one of these events will remember that at 8pm we would have the ‘Soap Box’, when anyone attending could get up and introduce themselves to the room, either informing them of a specific project, or simply to announce their skills and availability.
This aspect of the evening is one that we feel can still work online and, in the hope that we will be able to return to normal networking events later in the year, we’d like you to get involved.
How it will work
The event will be run via Zoom. The channel will open at 7pm and those who arrive will be able to mingle. Our on-site events often had over 50 people attending, so when we reach a certain number we will split the group into ‘rooms’.
At 8pm the ‘Soap Box’ will begin. All attendees will return to the main room and be muted. Each person who wishes to speak will be unmuted and given time to speak. Depending on the numbers this may take a while, so grab a pen and make a note of people you might like to get in contact with!
Once everyone has spoken networking will continue as late as people wish.
You do not have to speak. You can just listen! Also feel free to attend if you are not in Tokyo, or even Japan, if you are interested in communicating with people here.
I will ask each person who speaks to provide me with an email address they do not mind being shared. Therefore we can put you in contact with each other after the event, even without 名刺!
How to Join?
If you would like to attend please email us at:
Please include the following:
- Name
- Email address for Zoom link
- Contact email that can be shared with attendees (at your discretion)
- Do you wish to speak? Yes or No
- Some information on you; e.g. screenwriter, director, actor.
You can also join by completing the form below.