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12th 12月 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Film Festivals: Get Your Film Screened
When you have made your film the next step is to get it seen. Despite the variety of options for streaming your work online, it is still the hope of most filmmakers to get their work distributed and shown on the ‘big screen’. With digital filmmaking meaning there is a huge amount of content being created film festivals are still the way in which the industry takes note of work. Being screened at a major festival, or winning awards at smaller ones, brings attention audience to your work.
There are around 3,000 film festivals around the world each year and it can be a huge task to plan where to submit your work and what strategy to take in getting it seen.
During this single evening we will address:
- Planning your strategy before you make your film.
- Which festivals are right for my work?
- Submitting your film, Withoutabox, Film Freeway and other options
- Markets and Festivals. What’s the difference?
- The main reasons Festivals reject films, and how to improve your chances
- Cannes Film Festival: How to survive it, and is it worth it?
During the evening we will be joined via Skype by Elliot Grove, director of the Raindance Film Festival in London, Europe’s largest independent film festival where he will be giving his own thoughts on what festivals are looking for and will be able to answer your questions.
About the Instructor – Rory O’Donnell
ELFS Japan creator Rory O’Donnell worked with the Raindance Film Festival in many capacities between 2000 and 2017, including dealing with print traffic, the submissions process and running their training programme for ten years. As a filmmaker his films have screened at many festivals in North America and Europe and he was a regular attendee at the Cannes Film Festival for many years. One of his aims at ELFS Japan has been to encourage filmmakers based in Japan to get their films more seen on the international stage.